Friday, June 27, 2008

Reflecting on the 23 things

Well we made it! What interesting 23 things we have learned in the past 9 weeks. We went from learning to blogg (still not my favorite thing) to learning to share photos on Flickr (way cool) to getting caught up with news like RSS and more. Some of my favorite things (no I'm not Julie Andrews) are Wiki's , LibraryThings, and Online Applications. With Wiki's you can share some much information about a certain subject like the Library. LibraryThings is a website where you can share what you are reading and have people offer their choose in books, "It connects you to other people who have the same or similar reading tastes". Online applications it going to save me so much time when working on documents. Knowing that I don't have to email it back and forth, but to just go online and there are my documents. I even signed up for an Online Application service just for that purpose.

When ask if I would do another 23 things, I would have to answer Yes. To me this is the wave of the future and to miss any part would be lefted behind. Beside I like learning what coming around the corner in techinogy.

Thanks for reading

Audiobooks and the Digital Collection

Exercise #22 was learning about Audiobooks and the Digital Collection. This is good service for people who like to listen to books when exercising, walking or maybe driving. Being able to download to an MP3 player or burn to a CD would benefit people that don't have access to transportion like the homebound. Also in the times that we live in, its great to have a free service where you still can get new books and not have to worry about paying or driving to the library to return them. When searching through the Digital Library I came across old Radio Shows like Jack Benny and Life of Riley that my dad listened to when I was younger and knowing that there ways to make copies for him it a plus. Who knows maybe this will be the only way to get books.

Tool for locating Podcasts

Exercise #21 of the last of 23 things is to locate and listen to Podcasts. I went to the Library of Congress and listen to a couple of interviews with authors that where at the 2007 National Book Festival. One of the author was David Balchacchi talking about his 2007 book "Simple Genius". Podcasts are interesting, but to me they remind me of books on tape. With podcast someone is reading or talking to you and at the point I start to lose interest and not pay attention. I like reading the books or getting the information myself, I guess I'm old fashion. It's good to know that there are other way to get information and I'm sure people enjoy Podcast, but Podcast are not for me.

Podcasts, Videos & Downloads audio

We finally made it to the last week of 23 things! This week's exercise was to look at Podcast, by visiting Youtube. It was my first time visiting the site and was amazed at wait you could see . You can see some questionable video or you can see some wonderful videos. For example I had heard about the Northern Lights but had never seen them. I found a beautifully made video showing the Northern Lights with music composed by Blackmore. It made me want to see the lights in person what an awesome video. So me to that was a plus Youtube, but would I visit or use Youtube again, probably not.
Here a chance to see it for yourself. Enjoy!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Playing around with the PBCLSWiki

Back in week 7 we were ask to learn about Wikis. PBCLS has a Sandbox Wiki where staff could post the favorites animals, vacation spots and more. It was interesting how Wikis work and also so see what other people favorite things were. Wikis are one of the new ways information is being shared over the Internet.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

The second part of this week lesson was Discovering Web 2.0 tool.s I went to the website where the a notice the best Web 2.o Awards. The awards are listed by categories and awards are for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. In looking around the categories I choose to look at Wetpaint. Wetpaint is a free wiki place where you can created you own wiki the other place was Onmodrive. Onmidrive is used for Digital Storage. With Onmidrive you have access to all files and photos anywhere there is access to the Internet. This saves you from having to save things on your computer

Online Applications and Tools

This week's lesson was learning about Online Applications and Tools. Of all the web 2.0 materials we have looked over in the past 7 weeks, this one would be one I liked so far( we still have 1 more week to go). Learning about Online Applications has open a whole new way for me to work on my documents at home then having to send in an email. Working off-line is also a plus. I like the idea that I have access to my documents where ever I am and I don't have to email them back and forth. Learning about Zoho was a great, I liked that its close to using MS Word and it has most of the important features that Word does. So we will give to a try!