Friday, June 27, 2008

Reflecting on the 23 things

Well we made it! What interesting 23 things we have learned in the past 9 weeks. We went from learning to blogg (still not my favorite thing) to learning to share photos on Flickr (way cool) to getting caught up with news like RSS and more. Some of my favorite things (no I'm not Julie Andrews) are Wiki's , LibraryThings, and Online Applications. With Wiki's you can share some much information about a certain subject like the Library. LibraryThings is a website where you can share what you are reading and have people offer their choose in books, "It connects you to other people who have the same or similar reading tastes". Online applications it going to save me so much time when working on documents. Knowing that I don't have to email it back and forth, but to just go online and there are my documents. I even signed up for an Online Application service just for that purpose.

When ask if I would do another 23 things, I would have to answer Yes. To me this is the wave of the future and to miss any part would be lefted behind. Beside I like learning what coming around the corner in techinogy.

Thanks for reading

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